Troubleshooting Common Problems with a Janome Sewing Machine: A Comprehensive Guide

Troubleshooting Common Problems with a Janome Sewing Machine: A Comprehensive Guide

Janome sewing machines, like any other machinery, have their days when they don't function as expected. Luckily, a good number of problems can be resolved by the sewist without resorting to expert intervention. Here, we go through common issues one could encounter with a Janome sewing machine and how to troubleshoot them.
1. The Machine Doesn’t Turn On
Before engaging in any complex solutions, always remember to check the easy ones first — make sure the machine is plugged in, the power switch is turned on, and the outlet is working. If all these are in check and the machine still doesn't power on, it might be an electrical issue. Contact a professional for repair.
2. Skipped Stitches
There’s nothing more frustrating than your machine skipping stitches in the middle of a project. Often, this issue is due to a dull or bent needle. Replacing the needle, matching its size and type to your fabric, can usually resolve this problem.
3. Thread Breaks
Thread breaking can be due to a number of issues. Firstly, make sure you're using a good quality thread, and it's the right thickness for your needle. Check your threading; incorrect threading can put too much tension on the thread. Lastly, when was the last time you cleaned your machine? Build-up of lint can impair your machine’s performance. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your machine in tip-top shape.
4. Fabric Not Feeding
If your fabric isn't feeding, check your presser foot. A lowered presser foot is needed to hold the fabric in place as the machine stitches. Another reason could be the feed dogs are not raised. Check your settings and ensure your feed dogs are in the up position.
5. Seams Puckering
Seam puckering can occur when tension settings aren’t right for the fabric you're using. Experiment with changing tension settings until you find the one giving you flat, even stitches. Alternatively, it could be due to using a wrong needle once again pointing out the importance of matching the needle to the fabric.
6. Machine is Jammed
A jammed machine is often as a result of thread bunching up in the bobbin area. Remove your bobbin, clean the area, and rethread your machine.
Wrapping Up
While we’ve covered common problems and solutions, remember, each issue is unique. If after troubleshooting, your machine still malfunctions, consider seeking professional help.
At, we offer sewing machine maintenance and repair services in Dubai, making us a one-stop solution for your sewing needs. Always remember to regularly service your machine for optimal performance, and that preventive maintenance is often the best solution to keep your machine from encountering any issues.
Your journey with MySewingMall extends well beyond purchasing your machine, as we ensure your machine keeps running, accompanying you on your wonderful sewing journey.